
Showing posts from May, 2024

How to make Miso Ramen (as seen on TV)

A couple of weeks ago, Heather Roberts , the co-host and producer of  WCIA's ciLiving invited me to do a cooking demo on her show. I chose to showcase one of my favorite recipes -- a restaurant-quality ramen noodle soup that is so easy to make at home.  Good soup always starts with a good broth, and this broth is made from a combination of miso paste (fermented soy beans), chicken base, and vegetable base. As with all soups, the more garlic and onions you use, the better the broth. Add some noodles, some protein, and your favorite veggies, and now you have a one-bowl meal that's both satisfying and delicious. You can taste this soup on August 1 when I will be teaching how to make this exact recipe at one of my "Flavor Principles of Ethnic Cooking" classes at Phillips Recreation Center . Also on the menu for the evening is Tuna Tataki with Ponzu Sauce, Yakitori (Chicken on Skewers), and Ohitashi (Sesame Spinach). As with all my dinner party-style cookin

Seats are still available for Urbana Park District summer classes

  The eighth season of the "Flavor Principles of Ethnic Cooking" classes starts on June 13, and this summer we'll be going to Jamaica, Greece, and Japan. In each of these classes, we'll be deconstructing the recipes of each cuisine and breaking down the flavor principles of these culinary traditions. By following a few master recipes and utilizing simple flavor profiles, you will be able to customize and adjust your own favorite recipes and make tasty ethnic dishes every night for dinner. Here's our summer schedule: June 13: Jamaican Cooking July 11: Greek Classics August 1: A Taste of Japan  Due to a last minute cancellation, we now have one seat open for the June 13 Jamaican class ( grab it here before it's gone ). As of today, there are still a few seats left for the July 11 Greek class and the August 1 Japanese class. Register soon before these classes sell out! All my cooking classes are for adults and the tuition includes a multi-course

New Thai cooking class scheduled for June 27 at Harvest Market

  I'm happy to announce that Harvest Market has invited me to teach a series of classes in their demo kitchen located in the upstairs mezzanine of Champaign flagship store. Affectionately called "The Nook," their instructional and educational kitchen has a new director and she is planning a full calendar of events in the upcoming months. Sirisha Bhandaru is up first with an Easy Indian Cooking class on June 6, then Sue Tiger is up next with  Canning 101  on June 13. My Thai cooking class follows on June 27.  Thai cuisine is a harmonious blend of flavors, textures, and aromas that always taste fresh. Sweet, sour, salty, and spicy flavors are combined to create unbelievably mouth-watering taste experiences that come alive when properly balanced. Our tasting menu for the evening will consist of three easy-to-make Thai favorites. Do come hungry and thirsty because the tuition includes Thai beer tastings a special welcome cocktail. Here's what's on the menu: 

We're now taking reservations for our June 9 pop-up dinner

  This is the sequel to last year's BULLET TRAIN TO OSAKA event that all of you have been asking for. Like last time, we'll take a fantasy foodie safari from Tokyo on the Tokaido Shinkansen bullet train line while tasting everything Japan has to offer en route to Kyoto. Before we board the train at the Tokyo station, we'll grab some sakana (small bites). As our train leaves Tokyo station, we'll indulge in some tasty appetizers as the train departs and accelerates up to 200 mph. Soon food carts will come down the aisle and we'll grab anything that looks tasty. Once we arrive in Kyoto, we'll head directly to our ryokan (Japanese style inn) in the Gion dstrict where we might spy a geisha walking the alleys. When we arrive at our ryokan, we'll be directed to a private dining room where a kaiseki-style dinner has been prepared for us. Like last time, we'll have sake, wine, highball, and beer pairings all evening long, plus a few surprises! Full menus